
The Anatomy of a Rate Increase

LG&E / KU, the gas and electric company serving a large portion of the Commonwealth of Kentucky deals with the same tough situations many utilities deal with: backlash from increasing rates.

No surprise, people don't like paying more, especially when they feel they're not getting more in return. Who could blame em?

What they didn't know is exactly how big of a hit they took.

I put together a deep dive dissecting just what happened to public discourse and sentiment in order to pinpoint what the lifecycle of a rate increase actually was.

What I found via an audit of news coverage and social listening, was that, sure, the company's sentiment dipped when a rate increase was announced. Turns out sentiment bounced back and even exceeded pre-rate increase sentiment much faster (less than one month) than the client believed. This allowed us to tweak and optimize their content and publishing plan for digital media, getting back in market sooner with valuable paid and organic content.